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Atari Jaguar - technical specifications

CPUs 5 processors, contained in 3 chips, capable of running simultaneously
  Chip #1: 'Tom' runs at 26.591 MHz
Graphics Processing Unit (GPU): processor #1
Object processor: processor #2
Blitter: processor #3
  Chip #2: 'Jerry' runs at 26.6 MHz
Digital Signal Processor (DSP): processor #4
  Chip #3 Motorola 68000: processor #5
(was MEANT to be used ONLY as a co-processor), runs at 13.295 MHz
Graphical capabilities Dependent on the amount of scanline buffer space given to the 'Tom' graphics processor
A Jaguar (NTSC) can display up to 576 rows of pixels
24-bit 'True Color' display with 16.777.216 colors simultaneously
I/O ports Cartridge slot/expansion port (32 bits)
RF video output
Video/audio output supports NTSC and PAL; provides S-Video, Composite, RGB
Two controller ports (up to eight controllers with two Team-Tap add-ons)
Digital Signal Processor port (includes high-speed synchronous serial input/output)
Cartridges Cartridges can hold up to 6 MB of data (uncompressed).
With the BPEG-compression algorithm (some kind of enhanced JPEG),
the Jaguar cartridges are capapable of storing up to 84 MB of data,
depending on the type of data stored
Catridges can hold high-scores and small amounts of saved game data in a
National Semiconductor NM93C14-compatible EEPROM-chip



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