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Hardware for the Atari 'Portfolio'
The 'Memory Expander Plus' adds another 256kbytes of RAM to the Portfolio. The memory-expansion gets its power from the Portfolio's power-source. The Portfolio's expansion-bus is passed through to maintain the possibility of connecting other devices to the main unit.Visit the library-section to download the manuals as PDF-file!
The 'Smart
Parallel Interface' was hooked up to the Portfolio's expansion-bus and
enabled the user to connect any parallel device, like a printer or a
desktop PC, to the Portfolio.
This is the Portfolio's
'PC Card Drive'. It was used to program the external RAM-cards via a
special cable and a 16bit ISA-card from / to any standard IBM-compatible
PC. The file-transfer-program was stored on a 3,5" floppy-disk.
This is the 16bit ISA-card shipped together with the 'PC Card Drive'. It only uses standard ICs and therefor is very easy to repair if defective. |
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