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JaguarCD released software titles

Baldies Atari / Creative Edge J9055E
Battlemorph Atari / Attention to Detail J9017E
Blue Lightning Atari / Attention to Detail J9016E
Brain Dead 13 ReadySoft / ReadySoft 35028
Dragon's Lair ReadySoft / ReadySoft 35003
Highlander Atari / Lore Design J9031E
Hover Strike: Unconquered Lands Atari / Atari J9086E
Iron Soldier 2 Telegames / Eclipse JA910
Myst Atari / Atari J9069E
Primal Rage Time-Warner / Probe 301108-0182
Space Ace ReadySoft / ReadySoft 35008
Vid Grid Atari / High Voltage Softw. J9078E
World Tour Racing Telegames / Teque JA152

Software (cartridge): find it in the Jaguar-section!

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