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Atari JaguarCD - released Atari hardware

Atari JaguarCD (Partno. J8800/4, manufactured by Philips, USA)

The picture above shows the JaguarCD mounted on top of a Jaguar main unit. The cartridge port of the Jaguar is passed-through; this provides the possibility to insert the 'Memory Track' cartridge to save the games' high-scores.
The whole 'composition' does have quite a weird look...but it works quite well.
Shipped with the JaguarCD came a manual, a power-supply, the games 'Vid Grid', 'Blue Lightning', the 'Tempest 2000' soundtrack (great, by the way) and the 'Myst' demo-CD.


Atari 'Memory Track' (Partno. J8911)

This is the package of the JaguarCD 'Memory Cartridge'; it's quite hard to define whether this piece is hardware or software.
The 'Memory Track' came as a regular cartridge for the JaguarCDs passed-through cartridge slot.

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