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Atari 'Flashback'

On November 22nd, 2004 Atari releases its first hardware product for the last 20 years: the Atari 'Flashback'.
The Atari 'Flashback' includes 19 original games previously released for the Atari (VCS) 2600 and one unreleased prototype for the Atari (VCS) 2600 - 'Saboteur'.

The Atari 'Flashback' comes with the classic Atari 7800 design and is equipped with some 'enhanced' Atari 'Pro Controllers'.

All included games:

'Adventure', 'Air Sea Battle', 'Asteroids', 'Battlezone', 'Breakout', 'Canyon Bomber', 'Centipede', 'Crystal Castles', 'Desert Falcon', 'Food Fight', 'Gravitar', 'Haunted House', 'Millipede', 'Planet Smashers', 'Sky Diver', 'Solaris', 'Sprintmaster', 'Warlords', 'Yar's Revenge' and 'Saboteur' (unreleased)

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