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Atari (VCS) 2600 technical specifications

Date of release October 1977
CPU MOS 6507 (a cut-down 6502), runs at 1.19 MHz (CPU)
Less than 50% of CPU time available (no DMA available)
Sound / Graphics 'TIA' (Television Interface Adapter), aka 'Stella', runs at 3.58 MHz,
responsible for sound AND video display
Resolution: 160 x 200
Colors available: 128
I/O 6532, aka 'RIOT', reads all the console switches, the joysticks and other controllers,
includes some timers
Memory 128 Bytes of RAM in VLSI
Some cartridges held some bytes of additional 128 bytes memory (aka 'Atari Super Chip')
4 KBytes of ROM max. (more memory available via bank-switching,
'32-in-1' cart has 32 banks of 2KBytes)
Interfaces Cartridge port, ROM access only, 24 pins
2 Joystick  ports (9-pin D-type)
Cartridges EPROM type 2716, 2732/2532 or equivalent
Power supply For the US - input: 120 VAC / 60Hz, output: 9VDC / 500mA, polarity: center+ / outer-
For the european - input 240 VAC / 50Hz, output: 9VDC / 500mA, polarity: center+ / outer-


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