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'Atari 10-in-1 Classic Video Game System'

This is the 'Atari 10-in-1 Classic Video Game System' by 'jakkstvgames'. It is a hand-held TV game with 10 built-in games by Atari.
Fallowing games are included in ROM: Pong, Adventure, Asteroids, Yar's Revenge, Centipede, Gravitar, Breakout, Missile Command, Real Sports Volleyball and Circus Atari.
Oddity: Pong, Breakout and Circus Atari are normally used with the 'Paddle Controllers' (CX30).

But the games are not quite 100% original: being unsure about copyrights the producer just re-programmed all the games, trying to be as close as possible to the originals, i.e. it might be possible that some easter and cheats don't work...

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