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Atari 2600 clone - '510 games built-in'

This is an Atari 2600 clone with 510 games built-in. It origins from Taiwan; the manufacturer is a company named: 'RINCO'.

The bottom of the case reads:

RINCO (stamped into the plastic and on adhesive label)


This console is built into a 2600A case with some differences:

1) The 'b/w'-switch was replaced by the 'game select'-switch.
2) The 'game select'-switch was replaced by the 'game player'-switch.
3) The case isn't as heavy as the original Atari one (cheaper plastic).
4) Just beside the power-plug on the back left of the machine there is the most important switch: the 'game group switch'.
Apparently this switch is used to select the different game banks that contain the 510 built-in games.
5) On the back right side of the console there is a hole with the same size of the hole where the 'game group switch' resides in. It is covered with black adhesive tape.
6) There is NO channel-selector switch.


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