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Make yourself heard - 'AtariTel'

In the beginning of the 80's, Atari tried to launch the 'AtariTel' division (codename 'Falcon'). A division dealing with phones. Several protos were made. The most outstanding was the 'Lumaphone'; a video-phone that never made it to the market under the Atari brand.

After Atari had been acquired by the Tramiels, the 'Lumaphone' was sold to 'Mitsubishi Electric of America' who brought it to the market.


This is the Atari 'Lumaphone'

This phone is a concept ('Eagle') from 1984! Nice design - still in 2004!
The phone is a beautiful work of art. You want a proof of that? Well, it is on display in the 'Museum of Modern Art' in New York!

The design was done in co-production of 'Porsche Design' and Atari's industrial design staff.

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