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Atari 7800 technical specifications

Date of release 1986
CPU MOS 6502C (custom design, NOT 65C02), runs at 1.79 MHz
More than 90% of CPU time available
Capable of running almost all 2600 games (some fail)
Graphics Clock speed: 7.16 MHz
Resolution: 160 x 240 or 320 x 240
Colors available: 256
Memory 4096 Bytes of RAM, mostly VRAM
52 KBytes of ROM max
Interfaces Cartridge/expansion port, 18 pins
Most CPU lines + video/audio
2 Joystick  ports (9-pin D-type)
Power Supply

For the US - input: 120 VAC/60Hz, output: 9VDC/1A
For the european - input: 240 VAC/50Hz, output: 9VDC/1A



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