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Atari 5200 technical specifications

Date of release Fall 1982
CPU MOS 6502C (custom design, NOT 65C02), runs at 1.78 MHz (CPU)
Special design allows 'ANTIC' chip to take over the bus to perform DMA
Graphics The 'ANTIC' processor has direct RAM-access
Handles NMI's
Colors available: 256, colors on screen: 16
Resolution: 320  x 192
The 'GTIA' supports 17 different video modes, text and graphic-modes can be mixed,
generates video-signals to the television and handles the sprites
Player sprites can be: 8 x 128 or 8 x 256 pixels
Missile sprites can be: 2 x 128 or 2 x 256 pixels
Responsible for collision detection and reading joystick trigger buttons and controlling
which controller is being read by 'POKEY'
Sound 'POKEY': 4 channels, also keypad and joystick control,
random number generator, IRQ-handling, 3 high-speed-counters
and serial communications port connected to the 5200's expansion port.
Memory 16 KBytes of RAM
Interfaces Cartridge port
Expansion port
4 control-port version
2 control-port version
Power supply 4-Port: 11.5VDC/1.95A
2-Port: 9.3VDC/1.95A
You can ignore the difference between the two versions, because the voltage regulators
of the 5200 will take care of it. Trust the Atari-engineers...

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